[rancid] Full Configs with every run...
Shane Ronan
2009-10-02 01:46:44 UTC

I am sure I've done something wrong. I am in the process of
transitioning my Rancid installation from one box to another, using
the same config, and same .cloginrc but having a big issue.

On the new box, every time I run rancid-run, I am receiving the full
config from all of my devices, as is if they were just added new.

I am running Rancid version 2.3.2-3 with SVN as my backend.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be?

Ron Whitney
2009-10-02 02:06:38 UTC
Post by Shane Ronan
On the new box, every time I run rancid-run, I am receiving the full
config from all of my devices, as is if they were just added new.
Initial guess would be a permissions issue with the CVS repository.
Ensure that the Rancid user is unable to write/update the repository.
Check the FAQ at http://www.shrubbery.net/rancid/FAQ for details. Good

john heasley
2009-10-02 03:32:48 UTC
Post by Shane Ronan
I am sure I've done something wrong. I am in the process of
transitioning my Rancid installation from one box to another, using
the same config, and same .cloginrc but having a big issue.
On the new box, every time I run rancid-run, I am receiving the full
config from all of my devices, as is if they were just added new.
I am running Rancid version 2.3.2-3 with SVN as my backend.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be?
you'll have to check that file was properly added to the repository, is
up to date (always should be) and that the rancid user has permissions
to commit changes. look in the group's logs for errors. The fix should
be obvious is you know how svn works.
Post by Shane Ronan
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