[rancid] Linux Networking Support
Matthew Walster
2012-08-16 14:16:37 UTC
It strikes me that someone must have created a RANCID script that does the

* iptables-save
- Removing the counters from the output
* lspci / lsusb / lscpu / lsblk
* ip a
- i.e. the useful bits of ifconfig without the counters etc

Has anyone produced such a script? If not, would others be interested in
seeing one? Are there any other suggested commands that could be run of

Matthew Walster
Tyler J. Wagner
2012-08-16 14:40:00 UTC
I have scripts like that, but not for RANCID. I collect all the useful
output and dump to files, mostly for questions like "What kernel modules
and what firewall rules were loaded on machine X at time T"? But for
configuration backup of Linux machines, I use BackupPC.

Post by Matthew Walster
It strikes me that someone must have created a RANCID script that does the
* iptables-save
- Removing the counters from the output
* lspci / lsusb / lscpu / lsblk
* ip a
- i.e. the useful bits of ifconfig without the counters etc
Has anyone produced such a script? If not, would others be interested in
seeing one? Are there any other suggested commands that could be run of
Matthew Walster
Rancid-discuss mailing list
"The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."
-- Plato
Lance Vermilion
2012-08-16 15:44:12 UTC
John H,

I recall years back that you had clogin or another login script adjusted to
support Linux.

A couple of questions?
1. Does it still have support the Linux login prompt (I know F5 BigIP is
very similar but I recall you doing a mod to clogin instead of creating
something new)?
2. Did you ever create a lrancid to collect basics?
Post by Matthew Walster
It strikes me that someone must have created a RANCID script that does the
* iptables-save
- Removing the counters from the output
* lspci / lsusb / lscpu / lsblk
* ip a
- i.e. the useful bits of ifconfig without the counters etc
Has anyone produced such a script? If not, would others be interested in
seeing one? Are there any other suggested commands that could be run of
Matthew Walster
Rancid-discuss mailing list
2012-08-16 16:15:27 UTC
Post by Lance Vermilion
John H,
I recall years back that you had clogin or another login script adjusted to
support Linux.
A couple of questions?
1. Does it still have support the Linux login prompt (I know F5 BigIP is
very similar but I recall you doing a mod to clogin instead of creating
something new)?
i think hlogin would be the one to use, to avoid screen handling output.
but I havent fooled with the idea much.
Post by Lance Vermilion
2. Did you ever create a lrancid to collect basics?
nope; we discussed it a bit, but thats as far as we'd gone.

frankly, netbsd has daily/weekly/monthly/security scripts that are quite
nice and useful. one thing the security script does is use a changelist
file for a list of files it will backup and each file is separate vs being
rolled into one as rancid would do, and it sends diffs of the files, a
few of which it will "filter", and the backups are then local to the
machine (which seems both positive and negative).

this is one solution, not within rancid, but might be useful in combination.
Post by Lance Vermilion
Post by Matthew Walster
It strikes me that someone must have created a RANCID script that does the
* iptables-save
- Removing the counters from the output
* lspci / lsusb / lscpu / lsblk
* ip a
- i.e. the useful bits of ifconfig without the counters etc
Has anyone produced such a script? If not, would others be interested in
seeing one? Are there any other suggested commands that could be run of
Matthew Walster
Rancid-discuss mailing list
Rancid-discuss mailing list
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