[rancid] clogin query
Chris Kilian
2011-01-14 03:18:26 UTC
Hi all

I have my rancid working almost totally correctly now with the exception of a few things. I have some devices that although they answer to ssh they are using a different port to 22, in the .clogin.rc file I have all the devices listed as

Add methos x.x.x.x {ssh}

Looking at the documentation it seems to say that you can use {ssh:-port} to specify a different port however when I do that I am getting the below in the log files.

Hostname fnlogin error: Error: unknown connection method: ssh:-822

Anyone got any ideas?

Kind Regards

Chris Kilian
2011-01-14 15:20:12 UTC
Post by Chris Kilian
Hi all
I have my rancid working almost totally correctly now with the exception of
a few things. I have some devices that although they answer to ssh they are
using a different port to 22, in the .clogin.rc file I have all the devices
listed as
Add methos x.x.x.x {ssh}
Looking at the documentation it seems to say that you can use {ssh:-port} to
specify a different port however when I do that I am getting the below in
the log files.
Hostname fnlogin error: Error: unknown connection method: ssh:-822
Anyone got any ideas?
try it without the dash - ie. {ssh:822}

2011-01-14 16:55:15 UTC

I think this should work;

add sshcmd x.x.x.x {ssh -p 822}


From: rancid-discuss-***@shrubbery.net
[mailto:rancid-discuss-***@shrubbery.net] On Behalf Of Chris Kilian
Sent: 14 January 2011 03:18
To: rancid-***@shrubbery.net
Subject: [rancid] clogin query

Hi all

I have my rancid working almost totally correctly now with the exception of
a few things. I have some devices that although they answer to ssh they are
using a different port to 22, in the .clogin.rc file I have all the devices
listed as

Add methos x.x.x.x {ssh}

Looking at the documentation it seems to say that you can use {ssh:-port} to
specify a different port however when I do that I am getting the below in
the log files.

Hostname fnlogin error: Error: unknown connection method: ssh:-822

Anyone got any ideas?

Kind Regards

Chris Kilian
john heasley
2011-01-14 18:35:04 UTC
Post by Chris Kilian
Hi all
I have my rancid working almost totally correctly now with the exception of a few things. I have some devices that although they answer to ssh they are using a different port to 22, in the .clogin.rc file I have all the devices listed as
Add methos x.x.x.x {ssh}
Looking at the documentation it seems to say that you can use {ssh:-port} to specify a different port however when I do that I am getting the below in the log files.
Hostname fnlogin error: Error: unknown connection method: ssh:-822
Anyone got any ideas?
assuming that your rancid is recent enough, I dont recall off the top
of my head when this was added, this should work if your ssh uses - for
the port. the - is usually only for some variations of BSD's telnet
Iñaki Martínez Díez
2011-01-24 11:41:32 UTC
Iñaki Martínez Díez
2011-01-24 17:28:14 UTC

Since I upgraded to rancid 2.3.4 I receive (not always but very often)
this kind of empty emails:

"Routers changed to down:"

Only that, specially when a run this:

rancid-run ­r router group

I run this command after each change in a switch so I receive a lot of
empty emails.

Any tip to fix this ?


Iñaki Martínez Díez
Departamento de redes
acens Technologies S.L.
Teléfono: 637 772 156

Fax: 911 418 501
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