[rancid] Adding new group/svn
Charles Sprickman
2017-11-29 18:46:09 UTC

I migrated to subversion a year or two ago.

Yesterday I wanted to add a new group for some customer equipment.

I added the group to rancid.conf (LIST_OF_GROUPS) and then ran “rancid-cvs” which should autocreate a new directory and add that directory to subversion. The directory was created, but svn keeps throwing errors. Any ideas on what is actually failing?

This is rancid 3.5.1 on FreeBSD (from ports).

Everything is under ~rancid, including the repo.

Here is the initial output from rancid-cvs:

[***@miko ~]$ /usr/local/libexec/rancid/rancid-cvs -f /usr/local/etc/rancid/rancid.conf
svnadmin: E200011: Repository creation failed
svnadmin: E200011: Could not create top-level directory
svnadmin: E200011: '/home/rancid/SVN' exists and is non-empty
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'file:///home/rancid/SVN/customer-router'
svn: E180001: Unable to open repository 'file:///home/rancid/SVN/customer-router'
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'file:///home/rancid/SVN/customer-router'
svn: E180001: Unable to open repository 'file:///home/rancid/SVN/customer-router'
Skipped '.'
svn: E155007: None of the targets are working copies
svn: E155007: '/home/rancid/customer-router' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/rancid/customer-router/configs' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/rancid/customer-router' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/rancid/customer-router/router.db' is not a working copy
[***@miko ~]$

Any ideas? All those paths are correct. The existing repo is in /home/rancid/SVN. Another group that’s working is in /home/rancid/routers.


2017-11-29 18:56:22 UTC
Post by Charles Sprickman
I migrated to subversion a year or two ago.
Yesterday I wanted to add a new group for some customer equipment.
I added the group to rancid.conf (LIST_OF_GROUPS) and then ran “rancid-cvs” which should autocreate a new directory and add that directory to subversion. The directory was created, but svn keeps throwing errors. Any ideas on what is actually failing?
This is rancid 3.5.1 on FreeBSD (from ports).
Everything is under ~rancid, including the repo.
svnadmin: E200011: Repository creation failed
svnadmin: E200011: Could not create top-level directory
svnadmin: E200011: '/home/rancid/SVN' exists and is non-empty
i presume premissions or how the migration was done.
Post by Charles Sprickman
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'file:///home/rancid/SVN/customer-router'
svn: E180001: Unable to open repository 'file:///home/rancid/SVN/customer-router'
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'file:///home/rancid/SVN/customer-router'
svn: E180001: Unable to open repository 'file:///home/rancid/SVN/customer-router'
Skipped '.'
svn: E155007: None of the targets are working copies
svn: E155007: '/home/rancid/customer-router' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/rancid/customer-router/configs' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/rancid/customer-router' is not a working copy
svn: E155007: '/home/rancid/customer-router/router.db' is not a working copy
Any ideas? All those paths are correct. The existing repo is in /home/rancid/SVN. Another group that’s working is in /home/rancid/routers.
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